Sunday, May 31, 2015

To sell or not to sell? That is the question...

Well the signs are down, the items unsold tucked back in the garage, and the money counted. The yard sale has come and gone and somehow we survived. 

Prior to YSD (yard sale day) I went through stuff in closets, cabinets, the enormous attic and whatever Phil would let me get rid of in the garage. We ended up with a mountain of crap. A Mt. Everest of crap. A Mt. Fuji of crap. 
Unsold items
Our leftovers are more than what some people even start with for a yard sale.
All of this is headed to Goodwill today.
But, prior to the yard sale, as I was going through all this stuff, the memories just flooded over me. Most things I was able to part with sans guilt as I continued to repeat the mantra of, "When I'm dead someday, someone would have to go through all this and they will forever spit on my grave". But there were just some things that tugged at my heart for one reason or another and I just couldn't let go.

I could NOT bring myself to sell:

Standing ready to fight evil!
 * The original red and blue Power Rangers My parents searched hither and yon (way before ebay) to get these for their grandson. They were THE BEST grandparents!
  •  Beloved books that were read nightly to both kids - like the hardcover copy of The Little Engine That Could. I'd like to think that in Army Ranger Training my son, Anthony, said to himself, "I think I can , I think I can, I think I can,". Although it might have been more like "I f**king think I can, Sh*t, D*mn, I f**king think I can!" Army Ranger training is not for wimps by any means.
  •  Barbie's Motorhome - I can't even begin to describe how
    I couldn't find a pic of the motorhome with the chins ,but
    Barbie had multiple vehicles in which
    Squeaky and Nibbles had adventures
    much fun both my kids had with this and our two chinchillas -  yes that's right - we had chinchillas.That is a whole other story for a whole other post.

  • Annamarie's favorite blow up floatie she used summer after summer. It
    20 years later and I still have that floatie.
    Does that make me a hoarder? Oh my...
    probably has 12 holes in it but I still couldn't part with it. 
  •  Record albums that were sentimental to us - Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Donna Summer, Village People (don't ask).
    Who doesn't love Macho Man?

So maybe ...eventually... I will finally let go of these things.  But not just yet.

As much as Phil hates yard sales I must admit he was a trooper - patient, helpful to the customers, and truly I could not have done this without him. I think we both went way past a 48 hour time investment in this thing and I'm happy to report that we raked in a grand total of.... drum roll please.... $378.00! The money was a plus, but the best part is that the attic is now semi clean (yes there is still more shisnick up there). It's amazing though -  I just feel so much lighter. Really I do. It's kind of like how you feel after a colonoscopy when your plumbing is all cleaned out. We'll just call this an attic-oscopy, when your rafters (instead of intestines) are all cleaned out. Only, you can eat more than just scrambled eggs afterwards - as a matter of fact we had beer and pizza. Perfect ending to YSD. 

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