Saturday, May 16, 2015

Having a yard sale? Think twice my friend...

Top Ten reasons NOT to have a yard sale:

#10 - You may sell something for 25 cents only to have the person list it on ebay for $2500.00
#9 - You may spend $3.00 in cleaning products and water sprucing up an article that will sell for 50 cents
#8 - You will have hundreds of strangers touching your stuff 
#7 - You only speak English
#6 - Your neighbors will be pissed at the traffic you created
#5 - You will put in 48 hours of labor for a total profit of $125.11 which is approximately 2.61 an hour
#4 - You have to make and put up ugly signs and then go back and take them down.
#3-  Without fail you will be haggling over 10 cents
#2 - You will have people knocking on your door at 6AM (the pros) and your sale doesn't start until 9AM.

And the #1 reason - drum roll please......

#1 YOUR HUSBAND HATES THEM and you will have to hear a smug "I told you so" multiple times

But... even with all the above reasons I'm going forward and preparing for a yard sale. 

I told myself about 15 years ago I would never put myself through this again. From that point on multiple charities reaped the benefits of my hiatus from having yard sales and I've been OK with that. And now here I am - putting little price stickers on old stuff from the attic and closets hoping that someone else will see treasure in my junk. Call me crazy, or just plain stupid, or maybe call me drowning in crap we don't use or need.

About 1/3 of the stuff from the attic and closets is ready. So far, I've spent about 10 hours on this. I'll let you know when I get to 48 hours.
Garage is becoming overloaded as a staging area so I'm ...

using my daughter's former bedroom. Anyone want a Barbie Fold and Fun
T-minus 2 weeks until the yard sale. I'm sure I'll survive. Phil????...questionable.

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