Saturday, April 18, 2015

Who would have thought...?

that my little boy, who was always the tiniest kid in school and the brunt of relentless teasing, would not only grow up to be a National Guardsman, but go on to become a paratrooper and an Army Ranger. Add to that a police officer and a member of the SWAT Team. Unbelievable. Every mother's anxiety nightmare - times two.

 It seems like only yesterday he was playing army in the woods with his friends with his baby sister tagging along. They would all be in cammo and completing imaginary missions and taking care of "the enemy". Anthony was always in charge and his friends followed his lead. Annamarie, his little sister, even had her own little cammo shirt. It's one of the few times he allowed her to play with him. Mostly because he could boss her around and she would willingly follow his "orders". I should have known then that his career path would be service to his country and community. But he was still young and I figured that his interest in wearing a uniform would wane when he became old enough to understand the dangers involved. After all, this was a child that was afraid of the dark. Surely he would lose his desire to be a soldier and/or police officer.
In Iraq
But then when he was a sophomore in high school, September 11, 2001 reared its ugly head. This tragedy had a profound effect on him. From that day forward, he had a resolve to serve his country that was unshakable. Since becoming a soldier, he has been deployed twice and as his mom I hope never again, but of course he would be ready and willing to go whether I like it or not. I seriously doubt those bullies at school would mess with our boy now. Hah!

Anthony is not only a son, a soldier, and a police officer, but also a husband and a father. His dad, sister, and I are very proud of all he has accomplished and the man he has become.

Saying goodbye to sons Kyan and Cole before deployment to Kosovo
America - you've got a good guy watching over you who happens to be turning 29 this week and who, by the way, is no longer afraid of the boogeyman and definitely not afraid of the bad guys.

Happy Birthday Anthony! You are loved.

His sister definitely doesn't follow his "orders" now!

1 comment:

  1. I love Anthony!
    His proud Aunt and Uncle!
