Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hey! George Hamilton - Are you having the same problems?

My plan was to create a video this weekend featuring the process of stripping a triple dresser. My husband and I strategically planned  how we were going to manage moving it out of a 2nd story bedroom to the front wraparound porch to strip and sand the entire piece in preparation for painting. I was gearing myself up to learn how to use YouTube. I was doing crunches, lifting weights and choosing my wardrobe for the shoot that included some cleavage (I’m kidding, didn’t do any of that and cleavage at my age includes breast wrinkles!) We were ready for our “close-up”.  And then – sigh - the life of a more “mature” adult gets in the way.
That's me - young, tan and foolish.
Phil and I moved to Georgia from Florida 29 years ago. I was a Florida girl for over 20 years and still
consider the Sunshine State my real home. I spent most of my time in my teens and twenties in the sun. Our idea of sunscreen at the time was a bottle of Coppertone advertising the precocious, little blonde tot and the black cocker spaniel pulling down her bottoms. But I, along with most kids, slathered my body with baby oil which created the effect of bacon sizzling in a skillet. The bacon being me. My best friend Randee and I used to increase the amount of sun our faces would absorb by using reflecting shields. Stupid. My husband did much of the same and now we are both paying for our mistakes. Me, with my sagging skin, hands that look 100 years old, and a bout with a melanoma, and my husband with basal cell carcinoma. Phil had skin cancer surgery (Mohs) last week on his face and will have another round of surgery this week as well. They have suggested that he not lift anything heavy. Well – that leaves out the dresser for sure. Those George Hamilton tans come with a hefty price tag.
Sometime this week I will be posting reflections regarding this furniture and other pieces that will be included in our master bedroom makeover. Our cinematic debut will have to wait.

P.S. The headboard and storage bench were delivered. Walmart did not disappoint. The headboard is fabulous. Elegant and luxurious. The storage bench is acceptable. The old adage of you get what you pay for is certainly true. Although I would have liked the bench to be a bit more padded and well-made, it was worth the $99.00.
Not bad for $99.00

This will STAY covered with plastic until there is not one ounce of wet paint in the entire area!