Sunday, September 21, 2014

Does aging HAVE to suck?

I’m going say it upfront - loud and proud. Right now I have no idea what I’m doing as far as blogging is concerned and I find myself once again at the bottom of the learning curve. But that’s OK. It certainly isn’t the first time I have had to learn something new and taken a chance and I hope to God it’s not the last. That would mean that I’m not trying - growing – breathing - and that I’m stagnant. Being stagnant like a pond without flow is what I am desperately trying to avoid. Besides I have enough unwanted things growing on my body - I certainly don’t need ALGAE!  Seriously though I have been contemplating making a change, renovating our house, reinventing myself, and reimagining what life can become because…
As my mother would say (who just passed away at 92), “That’s still young!” However standing in my shoes right now, with my ingrown and fungus toenail, my bunion and my artificial hip I’m not feeling the “young” part. What is it with celebrities that espouse the virtues of being a women of later age? “It’s the best time of my life!” – “I’ve never felt better!” – “Being older is great!” Really????? They fail to tell you that they have had plastic surgery, have personal trainers, professional make-up artists and a hairdresser at their beckoned call. Hmmpf. I’d look damn good too if I had all that! Now granted I’m still thrilled that I’m still alive and kickin’. But it has been a stretch for me to think that this is the BEST part of my life. Sooooooo… that is how this blog has evolved. I sincerely DO want this age to be the best part of my life. And never being one to shy away from a challenge, I must figure out HOW to make that happen because it sure the hell isn’t going to happen without some help from me. I read an interview with Jane Fonda, who is a fabulous 76, and she described her age as “My 3rd Act”. If you do the math this is my 3rd Act - the last third of my life if I’m lucky enough to live to ninety. I could let that be fricking depressing but I am choosing to be proactive and hoping to make it exciting and challenging and when I say challenging I mean that in a good way. Not in the way that means it’s challenging to get out of bed in the morning because of all the aches and pains!

I am in the process of semi-retiring. It will be official January 1st. I say “semi” because I still have to earn some income besides my pension. I have 16 years with a school system which is certainly not a full pension but I have decided it’s time for me to leave. My current position is as an Assistant Principal at a middle school. Yeah. Now you feel sorry for me doncha? Damn right. If you have ever dealt with a middle schooler you know what I’m talking about. It’s a stress mill. Recently, I lined up all my school pictures starting with when I began my mid-life career as a teacher at the age of 44 and observed how I have aged since I took the job as an AP 7 years ago. Wow. It’s scary. It’s like the Presidents. They start out all bright –eyed and handsome and when they leave they are haggard and defeated and have wrinkles the depth of the Grand Canyon. Well I’m trying to get out before the light goes out in my eyes and my wrinkles and lines form a network of trenches around my face. So… that begs the question….What Next????

Stay tuned….

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