Sunday, November 29, 2015

Is this "The Winter of My Discontent"?

Starting out that way for sure. Let's put it this way... if I ever smell sawdust permeating the air or hear the whrrrrrrr of another chainsaw it will be too soon. AND...just when I was thrilled that we were starting to make some progress and see the forest for the trees (sorry for the pun), we received a neighborly "gift".

I guess the itch to remove troublesome trees is contagious. Our neighbor decided to cut down 3 small trees. I'm sure by now he and the other neighbors think that we are wood hoarders or possibly lumberjack wannabes and therefore covet wood, so he graciously gave us ALL the tree trunks and branches and left them in a pile for us on the side of our yard.  Phil didn't have the heart to tell him we have enough firewood to last us until we croak, so we just dug in and got to work on the NEW pile of wood. This is like the nightmare that never ends.
View from my kitchen window
Even with this setback, we have made some progress in regards to this whole mess. Phil has been working non-stop with the chainsaw and he even let me operate the electric one. That's right - we don't have just one chainsaw - we have FOUR. What? Doesn't everyone??? The question now is where the hell are we going to put all this firewood???
There are...



We still have a massive tree to tackle and log splitter to rent.... sigh
Will I EVER get my new master bath started???

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you two are ready for a Jacuzzi!!
    Now you know why I burn coal.
