Sunday, August 30, 2015

Could Phil and I be the next stars of HGTV?

I don't really use a cane, but I thought it was a nice touch.
Granny glasses and elbow brace?  Necessity.
I have no clue where I get my crazy ideas. They just come to me like POP! - a moment of brilliance that lights up all the neurons in my brain and away I go. Wait till you hear this one...

I have been talking to Phil about flipping a house in Thomasville, Georgia. What??? you say??? I got the idea after watching a show on HGTV where a young couple helped another young couple renovate their historic home in this small town. 

The houses in Thomasville are fairly cheap and there is probably a reason for that - who wants to live in Thomasville, right? But it is a cute little town with lots of old houses that are in desperate need of repair. You may say, "Patti, restoring or flipping a home is not an original idea." But wait - this idea has another dimension...

Downtown Thomasville

As with most shows on HGTV or DIY, the renovators, clients, workers are all YOUNG. Ever watch House, Yard, Bath or Kitchen Crashers? You know the show I mean - the one where they go into a Lowes or Home Depot and choose a couple to "crash" their house or yard? They tease the audience by speaking to customers of all ages, but they NEVER choose anyone over the age of 35. What the hell? Do TV producers not realize that the baby boomers are the largest demographic? Where are the old people on these networks? I stopped watching the "crash" shows specifically because of that. The purposeful neglecting of senior citizens (gosh I hate that term - let's just say "the older and wiser population") on reality home improvement shows stimulated the birth of my idea.

Who wants to watch young, sexy renovators?
On second thought,  don't answer that question.
I think that I should pitch a TV show where Phil and I are the "Flippin' Seniors". Our renovations are laughable as it is, but I think we could really bring home the difficulty of completing work with aching joints, bad backs, poor eyesight, the frequent need to pee, and going to bed by nine. We could focus on one room at a time and, as another layer of the show, invite a different senior family or friend to assist in each episode, which would undoubtedly lead to more chuckles and chaos. As each show comes to an end, we would hopefully have a new room and gather around the grill with our wine and beer nursing our aches and pains, reminiscing about the past and toasting the future. I think it's brilliant. I would watch that.
Yep. Perfect ad for our new show!

And think how easy it would be to sell advertising. Viagra, Depends, Milk of Magnesia, Lipitor - the list is endless! 

Now, I have to tell you, when I explained all this to Phil he looked at me like I lost my marbles. But, that's OK. First of all - after 30 years he's used to my hare-brained schemes. Secondly, his doubting my sanity doesn't frighten me. I've been in the trenches in middle school. I can handle anything. Or maybe that's where I lost my mind. Hmmm...

Anyone out there know a TV producer? I'm ready for my close-up.


  1. I'm with you on the senior flipping. It would be a blast to watch. I've helped my children and their houses and yes....aches and pains every time. It's a comedy scene watching me get off the floor after replacing electrical outlets. I live on ibuprofen and my hot tub!

    1. I know exactly how you feel! Maybe I'll be famous one day hahahahaha
