Sunday, November 16, 2014

Helllooooo? Is anybody out there?

Don’t ask me why I pose these questions at the beginning of my posts. It’s like I expect someone to answer them. I know there are a few (very few) people who read my ramblings I’m throwing out into cyberspace, so mostly I guess I’m talking to myself. You know there are places they put people that do that.
Well I thought this week would be a good opportunity to review the master bedroom budget. I pulled a projection of $1000.00 out of mid- air when I first posted about undertaking this renovation. I knew that $1000.00 was basically all I could afford so I needed to make it work. Did I make it? Ummm not quite. But I will be pretty damn close. Here is a synopsis of where the money has gone up to this point. All costs are approximate. 

1.       I have been able to save money on the furniture for sure. There is NO WAY this bedroom could have been transformed on this budget without saving the furniture. But refinishing the furniture required the purchase of primer, paint, and other supplies. Cost: $50.00. That’s a helluva lot better than $3000 for new furniture. Although now my husband has to have hernia surgery (I’m not kidding) probably from lifting all this furniture. By the time the hospital bills come I could have had new furniture from Ethan Allen. I’m an idiot.

2.       Prepping, priming and painting the walls sounds like a cheap fix, and it is compared to purchasing other items, but paint is no longer an inexpensive commodity. I remember (back in the Dark Ages) when a gallon of paint was $8.00. Now, a gallon of paint is more like $27 - $30. Cost: $120.00

3.       The new headboard (Wal-Mart online) was definitely the most expensive purchase for the remodel, however the old brass headboard will sell for at least $100 on Craig’s list. Cost minus the resale of the old headboard: $279.00

4.       The chevron patterned storage bench (Wal-Mart online) Cost: $100.00

5.       Accent table (Target)  Cost:  $95.00

6.       Lamp shades (LampsPlus) for my mom’s lamps.  Cost: $100 with shipping

7.        Mirror (HomeGoods) for dresser. Cost: $129 minus $20 gift card and $10 rewards coupon = $99.00

8.       Window coverings (Bed, Bath and Beyond) Cost: $79 less $20 gift card Cost: $59.00

9.       Crown Moulding (Lowes): $150.00
Total: $1,052.00

Not too shabby. Yesterday I finished up the armoire and I hope we can get the headboard attached and some things moved around the bedroom today. Once everything is in place there may be some extra costs for some bracketless shelves or art work that is not included above.

Oh by the way … I did not win the Blog Cabin (I can’t believe it!) and it doesn’t look like I won the Urban Oasis. WTF. However I AM waiting to get a call from Nicole Curtis telling me I won the Don’t Hate, Renovate Sweepstakes. I’ll let you know as soon as I get off the phone with her. She should be contacting me the week after Thanksgiving – just in time for Christmas.

Hey Nicole – after your call, let’s do lunch!


  1. I'm hear and love your "ramblings"...wait until I'm up there for your lunch with Nicole.
