Monday, January 11, 2016

Is a wood burning fireplace worth all the work?

If you ask me that question while I'm reading by the fire and enjoying a glass of wine I would say, "No brainer! Of course!" However, if you ask me while we are moving and stacking multiple cords of wood I would say, "Perhaps a gas insert may be the way to go."

After receiving help from our son and neighbor, all the wood was split and left in piles on the lawn. HUGE piles.

The next step and obvious question was, "Where the heck are we going to store all this wood?" Leave it to Phil to have an answer.

He said, "I'm going to build a (key word being "a") structure to hold the logs."

Construction phase
"Great!", I thought. We have some room at the edge of our property to hold a bit more wood. That shouldn't cost much. A couple 2 x 4s. Perfect.

But...with Phil one is never enough, therefore he decided to build THREE! Count 'em..THREE! And actually - I must admit he was right. Not only did we need all three of them, but it's STILL not enough storage.

End result:

Unfortunately - 
we still have...

and this
and this.

Good news is if there is ever a nuclear disaster, some kind of horrific natural calamity, or another snowmageddon we'll be prepared.

After the remainder of this wood is stacked and stored, the next item on our "to-do" list better be the master bath or a marriage counselor just might be placed on speed dial. Just sayin'.


  1. Great idea storing wood far away from the house. Termite and critters love wood piles. Gas stove. Great idea. Natural Gas in GA is cheap. I can even give you a discounted rate on GA natural gas.

  2. And I have a number for a counselor!
